Sunday, August 9, 2009

My Daily Routine

Walk by an old лада. I want to drive this car.

Walk by Пиво из кег ("beer from keg"). I'm told it has tasty beer. I like the unintended environmental aspect: you bring your own bottles and they fill 'em.

Then ключ на дверь, open door number #1.

Open door #2.

Take off my shoes. This is a very common practice in Russian homes and offices - the use of what are essentially slippers. They are not as soft and fluffy like the bedroom variety you know of in the US.

The Russian variety is more along the lines of sandals but for indoor use only. Our office has storage just for this purpose. Using slippers keeps the place very clean by cutting down on tracking mud and dirt around. And nowadays there is plenty of mud here thanks to several days of rain.

Yes, I know, I have a sharp fashion sense.

Here are some window shots. Above is towards our apartment.

Out the front of our building.

A bit to the right, the open market and the super market.


  1. Thanks for this Jon. It gives a great sense of what your living situation is like in Miass.

    Nice that you fill up your own bottles at the beer stand and take off your shoes indoors - all very much smarter than the way we do things. And more comfortable. Are the small roundish buildings stores?

    How many miles to the gallon does that little red naAa get? Have you heard about the cash-for-clunkers program in the US? People are getting healthy rebates for trading in their old gas-guzzlers for new cars.

  2. Most definitely my favorite post. You actually went to work. ;)

    For real though, cool to see a day in the life. And slippers at work is brilliant.

  3. I enjoyed seeing the beer stand and particularly, about removing your shoes! How long have I been doing that at my house!?? living in Miass is certainly alot different than here?! I have been enjoying all your pics and comments. You guys do a terrific blog.
    Aunt Mary
