Saturday, July 18, 2009

Biplane Ride

At 6:30 we met at the usual place to travel about an hour away to an airport. Well, really it was someones house. He had 3 planes. Two of them were missing propellers, so we took the one that did have one. Not to worry, this guy was a confident and skilled pilot. Our tiny tin can biplane was big enough for us to all fit on metal seats with no seatbelts. You simply hold on to bars on the wall. We took off in a field, the sound alone was an awesome roar. Before you knew it we were in the air. The pilot beckoned for people to come up to the co-pilot seat for a turn at flying the plane! The controls were dual, so he always had us, but, if you gave the steering handles a good yank, you could make the plane dip violently up, down or to the side. Everyone got a turn and everyone would scream like we were aboard a roller coaster. We were green by the end of the half hour ride. The view was amazing! We flew over the city and several lakes. It ruled!


  1. you are a brave brave woman!

  2. what a beautiful pictures, breathtaking.
    Очень смелые ребята

  3. Hi Jon and Catilin: I'm in Medfield at Aunt Mary's. she showed me how to post a comment!
    I will go to library to tomorrow and read Catilin's blog and look at the pictures.

    Happy 1st Anniversary on August 16.

    Aunt Helen
