Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Goat that Ruined Everything

Normally, were I am from we do not have farm life roaming free at the beach so this is very humorous to me. After being dropped off by the shuttle van, on the road down to the beach, there is usually a family of cows taking up half the road. Arriving at the beach, I finally settled down on my towel when I heard cries of upset. I looked up to see a goat ruining everyone's day. First of all, this goats bag was draggin’- it hadn’t been milked in days, and it was a little perturbed, so it decided to cause trouble. First, it hooved across some sunbather’s towel. Next, it trampled on someone’s picnic, eating a few snacks on the way. Finally, it stomped onto some poor child’s sand castle. The boy cried in protest, but the goat took it one step further and decided to pee all over what was left of the castle. Crowds of people were laughing.

It was so funny I wished I had taken a photo, and I didn’t expect to get lucky when I returned to the beach a week later with Jon and the goat was back! More trouble for the happy beachgoers of Miass. After stomping across some towels, she then insisted on trying to snatch lunch away from a family. She wore out her welcome.

Towel Stomping

Innocent bystanders being persued for food (click to enlarge and see her facial expression)

First attempting to drink from a capped water bottle

Rudely taking a dump while asking for food

More Beach info:
OK, here are the rules of the beach. If you are a hot sexy person, you stand up for a while. Also, you will wedge your bikini bottom for a better tan if it is not already a thong. Your hair will be perfect and you will unlikely get it wet if you go in the water so as not to ruin it. By the way, everyone at the beach is gorgeous. It is like a magazine here.

At the beach they sell popcorn, cotton candy, ice cream, drinks and chips. There are also some ladies selling hand crocheted beach hats and cones stuffed with caramel and peanuts. Also, there is shashlik man who basically he grills chicken kebabs and give it to you with sliced onion, bread and bbq sauce.

Hot People Standing Up with Wedged Bottoms


  1. Hahaha that is too funny! That's great you're getting some beach time in! There haven't been too many beach days here-you're lucky!

  2. That goat needs some TLC. Someone get him a bikini so he'll fit in. The baby in the little tent seems to enjoy him, despite his atrocious etiquette.

    It looks like people over 40 years old and over 125 pounds aren't allowed at this beach. The only real Russian I see is the goat (and, uh, that lady who looks like me in the blue bathing suit - the baby's grandma?).

    Love the mineral museum. You and Jon look like twins. You must be from America.

  3. Love reading about your adventures! The goat kills me! So funny, but so weird!
